Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Geronimo Charge

(this post also appears as a comment to the January 24, 2007 post)

LizzyP said...

And what about the geronimo charge? Wasn't that in Coalville?

ronny said...

Yes, it was. We lived in a small community outside of Coalville known as Dog Holler.

The story I was told behind the name "Dog Holler" is that a long time ago, a milk truck crashed into the ditch that parallels Hoystville Rd. The contents were spilled, which attracted the local cats, and annoyed the (likely chained) local dogs, which made quite a noise. Hence, Dog Holler.

The first year we were there a huge corrugated pipe was lay in that very ditch between the road and our home. I would guess the pipe was at least 4 feet in diameter, perhaps larger, because I could walk through the pipe without problems when the stream was dry in the summer. The pipe was covered with dirt, and this served as our bridge/driveway, giving us immediate access to the road.

Sidenote: it was in this ditch that I found the dead snake that Dad let me put in a canning jar, but made me keep outside. He told me it would rot and stink. I didn't believe him, but it didn't take me long to be convinced, and I let him throw it away.

The bus would pick us up for school on the other side of the road, and so a crossing was necessary. I would walk down our driveway, to the top of the pipe/bridge, look both ways, and triumphantly yell GERONIMO CHARGE!!, with one fist in the air.

Apparently, I was excited to go to school.

Other Coalville topics to remember:
- the junkyard behind our house
- Embra's runt (Whitey)
- Bullets
- Finding homes for the puppies
- Camping with the Crittendons (Dad gets lost)
- Camping with the Scouts
- Cubs with Mom (not getting my way)
- rollerskating downstairs
- the mudcake/spanking incident

10:28 AM



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