Wednesday, December 13, 2006

stolen Indians from Kansas City

In Kansas City, I had a friend that I seem to remember going over to his house when Mom needed to get things done. She could probably tell you his name. I can't. I remember he was there when we moved away, because I think I remember he and I hiding under the U-Haul ramp together.

What I do remember very vividly was his fence. I remember it because I stole his Indian. Both he and I had little plastic cowboys and Indians that we would play with (of the style of the plastic soldiers from "Toy Story"). The coveted piece of the set was the elusive "Indian with a drawn bow". I didn't have one (or perhaps just wanted another). He did have one, because I found it once on his fence. He must have left it out after playing sometime before, because we hadn't been playing Cowboys and Indians that day.

I took the Indian, placed it in my pants pocket, and took it home. I don't think I ever told anyone about that. I don't think I ever returned it. I would have been 4 or 5 at the time.

Kansas City topics to remember for future posts:
- the Little Hill (Deborah got a bee sting)
- Aaron getting lost (wanting to ride in the back of a pickup)
- calling for Dad to come home after getting sent to my room
- seeing a tornado on the way home from primary
- not being able to wake up Deborah in the middle of the night
- getting thrown out into the snow on Christmas day (only socks on)



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